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GCS offers a full-day Advanced Kindergarten program led by nurturing and caring teachers that love God and love children.  As students begin their educational journey, our highly qualified teachers not only equip them to grow academically, but also spiritually, socially, and creatively.  The Biblically integrated A Beka K5 curriculum establishes a strong foundation for success and instills a passion for learning in our students at an early age.  A high emphasis is placed on reading skills that incorporate phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and vocabulary instruction.  

Foundational math skills and concepts are taught and reinforced, preparing the students to build on those skills in 1st grade.  The Kindergarten program is enhanced with subjects such as Science, Social Studies, Handwriting, and Spelling – all taught from a Biblical worldview.  Bible class and Chapel help foster an understanding of who the Lord is and how to live a life that is pleasing to Him. 

Varied daily schedules provide opportunities for students to participate in Art, Library, Music, Physical Education, Foreign Language (Spanish), and Computer/Technology.  Hands-on field trips throughout year also help to support and reinforce concepts taught in the classroom.  By the end of the school year, our Kindergarten students are thoroughly prepared to take the next step in their educational journey and begin 1st grade!